Two Public Service Events Conflict In July 2012

Centre County Amateur radio operators have traditionally provided communications support to the Multiple Sclerosis Society Keystone Country Ride and the Wilderness 101 another, more intense, bicycle ride.  For the first time there is a conflict with the dates.

The MS-150 (our term for the Keystone Country Ride) will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 28 and 29.  The Wilderness 101 will be held on Saturday, July 28th.  A number of Centre County amateurs like to participate in both events.  This conflict will undoubtedly affect the number of volunteers available for both events.

Centre County amateurs are asked to consider which event they want to work, if not both.  We don’t have all the logistics in place yet but it may be possible to participate in part of the Wilderness 101 then move to a State College position in the MS-150.

In addition to this the Centre County and Blair County ECs may ask for help from counties other than Centre, Blair, and Huntingdon, our traditional resource pool.