Amateur Radio Adventures in Paradise, Part 1

Well, Adventures at the Beach . . .

My family vacations in Bethany Beach, Delaware.  We’re fortunate enough to stay only a block or so from the beach itself.  If you’re looking for a nice vacation location, Bethany Beach is recommended.  Small quiet town, family friendly atmosphere and only a short trip to Rehoboth, DE or Ocean City, MD.  But I digress . . .

Of course I wanted to try amateur radio while there.  While I took both HF and VHF/UHF systems I found VHF/UHF disappointing with a handheld.  There are a number of repeaters listed on RFinder and I experimented with both analog and digital (DMR) repeaters.  Except for a repeater in Lewes, DE (W4ALT on 443.550, +) I was not able to hit anything.  The only place I could hit W4ALT was from the beach itself.  Concerned that I had screwed up something I started looking for a local club or group.

I found the Sussex Amateur Radio Association (SARA) and was able to exchange a couple emails with Herb, KF3BT.  As it turns out, Bethany Beach is an RF hole.  The local hams have trouble getting out of the Bethany area when doing public service events in town and on the beach.  As Curly would say, “I’m a victim of circumstance.”  I don’t know how to spell Curly’s pronunciation!

Herb suggested using what the local hams have found.  Remarkably, his suggestion dovetailed with a recent discussion on the Nittany Amateur Radio Club list about counterpoises for handhelds.  Thanks to Brad, KC3BHI for starting that discussion and Jim, W3FET, for the extensive analysis that led to the .

Change to a 1/4 wave antenna on the handheld and add a Tiger Tail to the handheld.  SARA’s experience is that handhelds equipped this way solve the problem.  I’ve already ordered a new antenna and will make up a Tiger Tail when I get home.

I still have the mobile VHF/UHF in my truck but somehow I did NOT program that for the local systems.  The computer and cable are with me but the programming is complex and takes some time.

So much for the VHF/UHF experiences in ‘Paradise’.  Next time, HF adventures.

73 Carmine, K3CWP