Amateur Radio Operators Assist Moshannon Valley YMCA Bicycle Race

On Saturday, August 10th fourteen amateur radio operators, and three family members from Centre, Clearfield, and Blair counties provided communications for the annual Moshannon Valley Branch of the Centre County YMCA Bicycle Race.  All of the posts that race organizers asked to have covered were staffed.  This may be the first time that has happened and helped make things go well.  Fifty three bicycle riders participated.  Click the link to see the full story.Operators participating were:

  • Gordon Vanauken, KC0QJX
  • Ryan Vanauken, KB3VDG
  • Rich Brnik, Jr., KB3QKR
  • Bernie Ropchock, W3BAR (and wife)
  • Greg Miller, K3GEM
  • Drew McGhee, KA3EJV
  • John Szwarc, N3SPW (and son)
  • Chuck Maggi, N3CRM
  • James Rayburn, W3JIM
  • Mark Schreiner, NK8Q
  • Rod Kreuter, WA3ENK
  • Joyce Kreuter, AA3SQ (and their daughter)
  • Craig Miller, K3OOL
  • Carmine Prestia, K3CWP
  • Elaine Prestia, K3ERP
  • Jim Alles, KB3TBX was enroute to assist when his vehicle started to malfunction requiring him to turn back to home.  Sorry that we missed Jim’s assistance this year.

Click on the picture to see a larger version:

The Communications Crew.  Apparently, Divine Providence, or at least the Sun, looked favorably on out gathering.

The Communications Crew. Apparently, Divine Providence, or at least the Sun, looked favorably on our gathering.

Pre-race briefing.

Pre-race briefing.

Thanks to John Szwarc, N3SPW for the photos.

Fortunately there were no crashes or injuries this year.  However, three bicyclists developed mechanical problems and had to be brought in by Support And Gear (SAG) vehicles coordinated by the amateur radio operators.  In one case Jim, W3JIM picked up a rider and bicycle.

The YMCA organizers provided their volunteers at a number of locations which helped with observation and traffic control.  The DCNR Park Rangers provided Net Control with a handheld radio so we could make direct contact with them if necessary.  This is the second year that they have done this and it is done on their own initiative.  A great example of cooperation.

Communications were conducted on the W3GA, 146.76- repeater, sponsored by Nittany Amateur Radio Club and Centre County RACES/ACS.  Though the repeater is located in the Black Moshannon State Forest there were some locations where coverage could be marginal due to the valleys and foliage.  The park and forest can be quite primitive in some areas.  None the less in true amateur radio form we were able to make it work. It was a very beautiful day, perfect for being in the park.

Readers interested in more detailed information about the organization of the race can look at the maps and documents prepared for the race by clicking on the “Files” menu item in the black bar above.  The Philipsburg Amateur Radio Association also posted an article on their web site.

Organizer of the amateur radio operations, Carmine, K3CWP, said, “My thanks to all the amateurs who participated, and their family members, for a great event.  It shows great dedication to the hobby and its public service element.”